The burning wreckage was located around 2:36am today, near the village of Krasny Oktyabr in Tula region, about 100 km from Tula. Although officials have confirmed the crew did not survive, they did not say whether they have recovered ...
You can try also bouldering in areas called Krasny Kamen, Sosnyak (near Nikita), Shahn-Kaya (area of Alupka). You can get all the information on the areas, guide-books (rentable as well) and crash-pads at Red Stone Shop (22, Tsentralnaya St , village of Red Stone Krasnokamenka). ... The special combination: Cliffs near the Sea makes it easier to enjoy the vacation in the full swing: swimming in the sea (which is less salty than the Mediterranean one), diving, boating. ...
Our photographers caught Keanu Reeves and his girlfriend enjoying some topless swimming while on bvacation/b in Cannes. Good for them - both Keanu and his lady could clearly use some sun! (We've got the uncensored pix, too - in fact, we've got a whole gallery's worth! ... Preco odchadzaju odtialto ludia - ked je tu tak bkrasne/b?...Preco sa tlacia v tom jednom vlaku - ze ani pohnut sa nemozu...ani dychat?"......Ten stary pan mi povedal - ze ja to viem...ze mi nemusi odpovedat. ...